Editor's Note: I shared this thought in the September edition of our church newsletter.
When it comes to prayer, some people confess, “I really
have no idea what to say.”
The truth is: There is no right or wrong way to talk to
God. The main point is to work prayer into every day. Choose a regular quiet
moment. Maybe the best time is when you wake up, exercise, eat a meal or lay
down to sleep. Here are a few prompts to help you start.
Keep prayer
1. Address God
by name. You might say: O Lord; Dear God; Heavenly Father; Lord
Jesus; or even, Holy Spirit. The
main idea is to come reverently before our Creator, Savior and
2. Give thanks for
God’s blessings. You might say: Thank
You for this moment; a roof over head; clean clothes; food to eat; family,
friends, teachers, classmates or pets to share my time; sunshine, rain or fresh
air; school work, gainful employment or volunteer work; Your listening ear; a
chance to begin anew. Remember: This is your moment to count your blessings.
Make the most of it!
3. Ask for
help. You might say: Help me know what You want me to do.
Maybe you need to stop a bad habit; start a better one; forgive someone; or
even, assist and encourage someone. Don’t be afraid to name your concern. God is
listening. You might also say: Please
bless (name someone) who is
struggling with (whatever his/her trouble).
4. Close the
prayer. It can be as simple as saying
“Amen,” or more solemnly by
saying, In Jesus’ name, I pray. Amen.
Daily practice makes prayer come easier. For more
inspiration, listen to how others pray. May God’
Spirit guide you, so that – in time – you will help others pray too. Amen.