Friday, April 1, 2011

Do You Trust Me?

Editor's Note: I shared this reflection at our church's Holden Evening Lenten service Wednesday, March 30th, 2011.

This morning I was offered the privilege of reading this evening’s text taken from John 6:1-15. Given the chapter and verse, I opened my Bible to reveal the day’s story. As I read it, I HAD to smile. This text is one of two we’ll be using this coming week to teach our Sunday School children about Jesus’ “food miracles.”

Now in our house – with three growing boys – every mealtime is a food miracle.

You should see what Isaac, Aaron and Noah eat!

Last Friday was no exception. I came home from grocery shopping, filled the fridge and was about to start supper when Aaron arrived home and announced he’d invited a friend over for dinner. Quickly, my menu changed from stir fry to lasagna to feed another mouth.

And, it’s a good thing! Just before calling up the crew from the man-cave for dinner, I looked out the window and noticed Isaac’s friend’s truck in our yard. He and his sibling had joined our three boys and Aaron’s friend in a video-game match.

I set the table for eight – our five and three friends. French bread, watermelon, milk and chocolate cake rounded out our lasagna meal. As we sat down to say Grace, I looked at my husband Dan and said, “So… this is what it would be like to have a BIG family!” By God’s grace, we all had enough to eat.

This moment reminded me of other times when I wondered aloud to God, “How will we make ends meet?” Each time, God’s Spirit overshadows me and replies, “Do you trust me?”

In time, I’ve learned to answer, “Yes Lord. I trust you.”

I believe that same voice was present two thousand years ago on that grassy hill where more than 5,000 people gathered to be near Jesus. Our Lord turned to Philip and asked, “Where can we buy bread to feed all these people?”

The gospel says Jesus was testing Philip. Jesus knew what he was about to do. Philip replied, “It would take a small fortune to feed them.”

In essence, Jesus meant, “Do you trust me?”

The gospel goes on to tell of a small boy who came to the disciple, Andrew, and offered his five barley loaves and two fish. This boy trusted Jesus.

Jesus took the bread and fish, lifted them up, gave thanks, blessed them, broke them and gave them to the people, who were seated in groups of about 50, about 100 total groups.

They SAW Jesus feed EVERYONE.

They SAW the disciples collect TWELVE baskets of LEFTOVERS.

They UNDERSTOOD Jesus was the Promised One,

and they wanted to make him their king…

their EARTHLY king.

The gospel tells us, at that point, Jesus went higher into the hills – ALONE.

He’d provided for their NEEDS,
not for their DESIRES.

Tonight, let’s consider a few points:

1. If Jesus, through God our Father in Heaven, can perform a miracle of this magnitude feeding more than 5,000 people with 5 loaves and two fish, how much more can we trust Him to meet our needs?

2. In Sunday School, we teach that the Bible is a collection of stories about God’s faithfulness to His People. For many of us, those stories have been heard so often, they are written on our hearts. But what about the hearts of those around us? Let’s take a moment to reflect and ask ourselves,

“How has God been faithful to me?”

“What am I doing to teach others about that personal, faithful love?”

3. And finally, “How can I help others see God meeting needs in their own lives?”

As for me,

I cornered Isaac and Aaron when their friends left and asked, “WHAT were you thinking – inviting people over without first letting me know?”

Then, I followed up this: “Did you see how God provided?”

Do you trust Him?

Let’s pray:

Thank you for all the gifts you give each one of us. No matter the size – big or small – these gifts are ones you can use for your glory when we lift them up as an offering to you.